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"Intense performances in This Wide Night: a 'Tour de Force' for good as regional theater acting gets."
-East Hampton Star

"Ms. Mortellaro does a terrific job with Marie, portraying her with a kind of rough-hewn grace that requires a tricky balance. Play Marie too tough and she has no chance to open up later on; play her too sympathetic and her early resistance to Lorraine makes no sense. Ms. Mortellaro finds the middle ground between distance and empathy, while nailing the foul-mouthed humor and poetry of Ms. Moss’s script."

"From the second she arrives at Marie’s flat, it’s clear that Lorraine has no idea how to function in free society — and Ms. Dirksen perfectly captures her barely concealed terror......the performance allows us to see how desperate she is to recreate that scenario in Marie’s Lilliputian flat. Later there is the revelation that Lorraine is a mother, hoping to reconnect with her son. When this connection does not go as planned, the play reaches its climax. Ms. Dirksen wrests every drop of emotion from the scene, though without a hint of mawkishness or sentimentality."

"The character-driven plot tackles difficult subject matter, providing a revealing and intimate look into the lives of two former felons who have been recently released from a women’s prison. And the spare setting—a single one-room “bed-sit” apartment in London—offers no place whatsoever to hide, even more so as the audience sits right up on the stage, literally within a few feet of the actors, during every moment of this production.....
Thankfully, the risk pays off here. And then some. I haven’t stopped thinking about “This Wide Night” since I saw it this past weekend."
- Sag Harbor Express
"Intense Performances in 'This Wide Night': a 'Tour de Force' for Actors" - East Hampton Star Review
"A New Play at Guild Hall Has the Feel of Authenticity" - Sag Harbor Express Review
'This Wide Night': The Life Beyond Prison Walls - East Hampton Star Feature
New Theater Company Presents Ex-Con Drama 'This Wide Night' At Guild Hall - 27 East Feature
“This Wide Night” Explores Life After Incarceration - Sag Harbor Express Feature
‘This Wide Night’ Explores Women in Prison at Guild Hall - Dans Papers Feature

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